All The Pros About Selling Digital Goods

All The Pros About Selling Digital Goods

When the Covid Pandemic struck the world last 2019, everyone had it rough, including big and established businesses all around the globe. There was no exemption, or so we thought. We thought everyone seemed to have it rough, but not to those digital goods sellers who had it better. 

Surprisingly, people have adjusted well to the “new normal” and trusted digital means than ever before. Even governments had to fully adjust to where the economy seems to move: Digital goods and services. 

In more ways than one, that digital product has turned the tide. But, what are these products, and are they worth the time and investment?

If you already have an existing freelance business, it might be worth considering how you can turn your skills into digital goods to generate more passive income streams. 

Digital Goods and A Few Bucks! 

Digital Goods simply refers to any goods that can be transferred, sold, and delivered digitally. This means that even your most straightforward idea can actually turn into a good investment. 

Digital Goods vary. There are many to mention, and you don’t even realize that what you are currently reading right now is one of its many forms. And the best thing about them is you can sell them in the comfort of your home. 

Below are some digital items to consider. 

  • eBooks come first on the list. These digital books have come in handy since their historic start in 1971 but have made their break in the ’90s. Since then, it has become one of the most reliable sources of knowledge and entertainment. One can even share personal life experiences and create a massive impact on their audience. They also come with artwork, posters, etc. In fact, renowned authors and big industries have come to eBooks when it comes to sharing information because they have understood its massive possibility of accommodating a limitless audience.

  • Digital templates and tools are the trends of the time. They come as digital solutions that make life much more convenient and faster. Digital products also come in the form of intangible tools that help out professionals in their daily tasks. They include graphic design templates, brochures, and even websites. 

  • Digital downloads like music and movies. If you are an artist or a musician who enjoys doing it more than working for it, chances are you have already explored ways to monetize your talents. Luckily, you can create your own ringtones or beats and sell them as digital downloads.

  • Digital artwork. If you enjoy painting or printable, you can create phone wallpapers or print-on-demand products. If you are a filmmaker, you can direct and make your own movies online. While prints and t-shirts have always been the easier option, you are welcome to experiment with different formats to cater to what clicks to your audience without much risk. It just takes passion and a little bit of creativity to explore ways so you can monetize your talents. 

  • Mobile Applications at your fingertips. Applications do come not just in games but more on providing convenient solutions to consumers. Far more than providing entertainment, if you have the skill to develop a mobile application that can better serve the community, you might as well build it and earn well on the side.
    Just remember that an application can be just any solution or service powered by code. When you can find the right talent to help you code the product, seize to create mobile applications for both iOS and Androids, and if you are lucky, you can even extend it to web application software. There is so much you can do and so many people you can help with mobile applications. Opportunities are endless.
  • Have your own online courses. Yes, you read it right. We all are a master of our own turf as they say. For this reason, anyone, including you, are eligible to create your own online course according to what you think you are most adept at. Even socializing with grandparents takes so much effort to some, and many would consider taking an online course about it so they can manage well and bond well with the gramps.

    You can choose your niche and start from there. This type of digital product is best suited for in-depth content, and it requires a bit of effort up front. If you want to educate others with something you enjoy, start by recording a video or a module so your audience can follow through. You can also include knowledge checks, interactive activities, and quick quizzes. It all boils down to your passion for sharing knowledge and helping out your audience. 

  • Licenses to use digital assets have also marked today’s trend. People understand that there is a substantial worldwide ecosystem of digital assets, but as much as you want to use other people’s photos and videos, you also want to share yours with them. So, by offering licenses, your work and intellectual property are protected and continually provide them the best use of your photos, music, software, videos, etc. You can charge for every digital product used or shared without compromising your identity. 

  • The controversial NFT (Non-fungible Token). There has been an explosion of blockchain news that will always make you ask, what’s with all the fuss? What is NFT? Is this safe and, can I do this in the comfort of my home?

    From the term itself, “Non-fungible” simply means that it is unique and can’t be replaced with something else. Take bitcoin as an example. Trade this same bitcoin with another bitcoin, and you will have exactly the same thing. A piece of art with a huge historical background that may actually cost seven digits may only be traded with the same quality of the artwork. NFTs can be anything: from drawings, music, artwork, or any other digital download - you name it! 

    BUT, NFTs are actually designed to provide you with something that can’t be copied. These days, it has been the digital lounge of art-loving folks who are willing to go beyond the usual trading platform, spend more, and (more possibly) even get that vintage piece of artwork straight from the forefathers of the early nomads no matter the cost.   

    Provided how NFTs have been circling the interest of many, you can start doing your own unique product. You might be able to trade it with others who share the same interest, which in turn can generate you a few bucks! Make it worthwhile, stand out and be original.   

Digital Goods and what’s in it for me?

We won’t try to delve into the obvious. Everyone knows that digital products can be started with just a computer, internet, a sprinkle of passion, and a dash of time. Right now, let’s get to know more about why digital goods sellers are not wrong this time. 

1) Goodbye to Costly Overheads
Unlike having a physical store, you need not worry about the physical front, bad orders or faulty products, contractor wages, packing, and shipping costs. Right at the comfort of your home, you can save a lot from traveling expenses and handling product costs. On your desk, you can run the business without having to worry about the store’s monthly rent because you won’t need one.

Calculating the primary expenditures of an actual physical store would already make you reconsider digital products and services.

2) Stock Outs No More
Running out of stocks can hit you in 2 ways.
Because you have run out of products to sell, so there’s no medium for income streaming anymore.

You might end up losing your customers because they will find another source to get what they need. They won’t have time to wait for the next stocks to arrive because they also have other matters that they need to attend to.

A sad truth we all have to anticipate every day when it comes to physical products.

Fortunately, stockouts won’t be an issue with digital products because they are not limited in terms of stocks. Its means of delivery is an easy download, and the original file never runs out. This, obviously, takes you to the very fact that inventory management is something you can now let go of. 

3) Huge Potential Profit Margins
One major point makes a digital product stand out from the many physical products out there: a digital product may require you to spend something to create and set up, but from that one product, you can sell it as often as you like – unlimited!

You can produce and sell unlimited (licenses) copies from the original one and make a huge profit. More sales mean more profit. The possibilities are limitless. One eBook can actually make your dream come true physically. 

4) No Need for Massive Inventory
The need to list down all the procured products and those that have been dispersed or sold is something you can let go of when dealing with digital products and services. You can automate everything, and in one system, you can track everything without worrying about the quality and longevity. In short, no need for a massive sheet of inventory. 

5) Residual Income
This has been a great opportunity given to all types of individuals provided that it allows you to gain profit month-after-month or even weekly in many forms. In other words, you can earn on an ongoing basis without needing constant effort. 

The big-time effort you can expect is when you create your digital product or patent, and after which, you could be making sales in the next years to come. Also, you have to remember that residual income does not always come in all monetization methods. 

6) More Free Time!
Either you do this on the side or do it full time – you choose. Selling digital goods simply means that much of the work is already done upfront, leaving you more than enough time to work on other side hustles. 

This works well when you can create a reliable sales funnel and engage affiliates to help you promote your products online. Besides more free time for yourself, you have more time to be of service to others no matter the time of day. We only have 24 hours in a day, and we know that this alone can limit our capacity as to how many people we can work with. 

Fortunately, with digital products, anytime and anywhere, your product can serve many people. It is not limited to time and, people always have the option as to when they procure it.  

7) Full Discretion and Control
Selling digital goods is one of the best platforms that provide you with more control than other monetization methods. Having your own digital goods means you have full discretion on everything, with everything, and on anything. This means that you can select the type of items, choose the targeted audience, and, most importantly, determine the price. 


Take a Step Forward

Opportunities do not always come and go. However, they sure do come to those who take a step forward. There are numerous possibilities that you can convert into great opportunities and can wait at your own pace. 

There are numerous online courses that you can check to help you jump-start your own digital product. You can learn it your way by visiting different platforms and digital networks that provide credible information to guide you. You can register by us, Mamati Market, right here and look around on our great platform. Just to see if you might like to sell your digital items with us. 

You can start from what you truly want, and what area you are so good at that even your mother would not want to call customer support to help her with it. 

If you come to think of it, there are several ways to make money online BUT, creating your own products and selling them provide more benefits, and they can be worthwhile.

  • user

    Paula Spareine

    Hmm, this seems interesting enough to give it a try.

    3 years ago