AI is here to stay! We think.

AI is here to stay! We think.

Hello again, Mamateers!

It’s time for another post on your favorite blog for anything related to digital shizzles and e-commerce!

As you probably already know, if you’ve been following us, Mamati is all about digital products, which might be unique to some of you.
As such, an e-commerce platform that focuses solely on digital transactions may just be what you need – because setting up a digital shop is much quicker, cheaper, and more manageable than starting a brick-wall store.

Moreover, keeping it all digital means that you, as a seller, don’t need to worry about logistics, shipping, and warehousing – all of which are issues you’ll have to keep in mind when selling non-digital products.

If you’ve not been living under a rock, you’ve undoubtedly heard about the developments made in the fields of technology and, more specifically, artificial intelligence (AI). These are developments that are sure to shape the very way we conduct business in the future.
And if you’re planning to start becoming a member of our seller group, this might be the perfect opportunity for you!

Artificial intelligence platforms such as Midjourney, Dall E, ChatGPT, and so on have made it incredibly easy for anyone to start creating quality digital products and selling them for profit.

While it’s no surprise that they are still in a developmental phase and are yet to deliver excellent and professional-grade work with consistency, they can still be a great asset for anyone who doesn’t have much technical knowledge to start getting into selling digital products, without having to spend too much time or money.

While selling AI-generated digital products can no doubt be a lucrative business opportunity, it requires careful planning and execution to succeed. Everything matters, from selecting the suitable AI model for your purpose to understanding how to manipulate prompts, to get the exact results you are looking for. As such, here are some tips and tricks for commercially selling AI-generated digital products:

Find a niche:
Building a strong brand is crucial for establishing credibility and attracting new customers. Identify a specific niche or market segment that your digital products can serve. This will help you differentiate your products from competitors and effectively target your marketing efforts. It can also help you build a brand identity that customers can recognize and return to.

Select your AI model: 
As new as the whole thing is, there is already a plethora of AI models and platforms that allow users to generate content automatically. Among them, there are a few that have more specific uses. For example, Midjourney, Dall-E 2, etc., are best used for generating images and digital art.

Synthesia and are similar platforms that are more suitable for generating videos. There’s also which allows you to generate voice from text, and MusicLM, a model introduced by Google that can even generate high-fidelity music!

Create your digital product:
Once you’ve selected your model of choice, it’s time to generate. Most AI requires input or prompts from the user that it can use to generate the content. This could be a unique image, a personalized product recommendation, or anything else that AI can offer.

Whatever you generate, most models will also allow you to further develop upon it using subsequent inputs or prompts from the user.

Focus on quality:
Since most of these AI models are still in their developmental phases and prone to errors, take the time to verify the quality of the work generated, before you decide to put it up for sale.

If you’re developing an image, for example, ensure you have it in the correct resolution and compression to retain its quality when you upload it to your store.

Price your products appropriately:
Set your product prices based on the value they provide to customers and the market demand. For example, if you are selling a niche product, you may get away with setting your prices a bit higher than if your product competes with other generic products that provide the same value.

Rights to sell/commercial usage:
Some AI models offer limited free generations as a product demo, but to generate high-quality content and acquire their commercial rights, you might need to subscribe to their paid plans.

There are other models available, though, that allow users to retain commercial rights to their generated content without any charges, but make sure to read through the terms thoroughly before uploading it for the purpose of selling! 

Prepare your product for sale:
Once you have created your digital product, prepare it for sale by packaging it in a way that is easy to download and use. Make sure to include clear instructions and any necessary files or software.

Sign up for Mamati Market: 
(Skip to the next step if you’ve already registered) Open up the Mamati Market website on your browser and sign up for an account. Once you have signed up, you can create a seller profile and list your products for sale. 

This profile will now be your home for managing anything related to your digital business.

 List your product:
Upload your digital product to Mamati Market and create a product listing with a description, price, and other relevant information. Make sure to use clear and descriptive language to help potential customers understand the value of your product.

Leverage social media:
Use social media, email marketing, and other promotional channels to promote your digital product and drive traffic to your Mamati Market listing. 

Social media can be a powerful tool for promoting your digital products and reaching a wider audience. Use platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn to share updates, showcase your products, and engage with potential customers. 

While AI might come in incredibly handy to get your digital store started without too much delay, running an e-commerce store can still be a pretty challenging task. It often requires juggling multiple tasks at once, and as a seller, it’s crucial to be as productive as possible to ensure that your business runs smoothly.

Lucky for you, we, being Mamati Market, will also promote your products through our social media accounts and newsletters, so you can get just the traffic you need, even if you find yourself too busy to market your products!

And let us not forget you can put your digital product on our website’s Featured Products section for a ridiculously small fee; 
Only $0.10 for a day and $1 for a month! 

The Featured Products section highlights our best products to visitors and potential buyers. So, you can rest assured that once your product is up there, it will keep marketing itself! 

But it’s understandable if you want to do it all by yourself. You get to be in control of your business every step of the way and enjoy the rewards of building your own business from scratch.

So, with that in mind, we’ve also included a list of productivity tools that can help you run your business more efficiently, so that you don’t spend too much time at work! Keep on reading to learn more about them.

1.    Trello
Trello is a project management tool that allows you to organize tasks into different boards. You can add comments, labels, and attachments to your tasks, and even collaborate with your team members. It’s an excellent tool for managing multiple projects at once and keeping track of deadlines.

2.   Hootsuite
Hootsuite is a social media management tool that allows you to manage all your social media accounts from one dashboard. It’s an excellent tool for scheduling posts, tracking mentions, and analyzing social media performance.

3.   Asana
Asana is another project management tool that allows you to create tasks, assign them to team members, and track their progress. It’s a wonderful tool for managing complex projects and ensuring everyone is on the same page.

4.   Canva
Canva is a graphic design tool that allows you to create beautiful graphics for your e-commerce store. It’s a handy tool for creating social media graphics, blog post images, and product images.

5.   Toggl
Toggl is a time-tracking tool that tracks how much time you spend on different tasks. It’s a tool for identifying chokepoints in your schedule and improving your productivity.

6.   Slack
Slack is a communication tool that allows you to communicate with your team members in real time. It’s a must-have tool for keeping everyone on the same page and ensuring everyone is aware of important updates.

7.   Omnisend
Omnisend is a powerful tool for executing marketing strategies from one single interface. It allows you to write and schedule emails, and send newsletters and SMS for marketing – all with an easy-to-use and straightforward interface that makes working on it seamless.

8.   Grammarly
Grammarly is a writing tool that checks your writing for spelling and grammar errors. It’s an excellent tool for ensuring your content is error-free and professional.

9.   LastPass
LastPass is a password manager that allows you to store all your passwords in one place. It’s THE tool for keeping your passwords secure and easily accessible.

There’s no doubt that plenty of other tools can help you build and manage your online business, and we will cover a few more in our upcoming blog posts.

Here at Mamati Market, we take care of our sellers and buyers because we understand the value of a seamless trading platform. And whether you’re a buyer or a seller, Mamati welcomes all!

We hope that you’ll find everything that you need for your business right here with us.