Personal Use Licence

As you may or may not know, buying a digital item, like an eBook, for example, is different than buying a tv.

When you buy a new tv, you own that tv. It’s yours now, and you can do whatever you want with it.

But that doesn’t work with most digital content.
When you buy an eBook (and hopefully you buy it here on Mamati Market) you will not own that eBook as you own your tv.

The author, or the person who owns all the rights of that particular eBook, is still the only owner of that eBook.
But he or she will grant you some rights what you can and can’t do with it.

You did not buy the eBook itself, but you bought a license to use your copy of that eBook in a certain way.
We call this a Personal Use License.

In such a license, you, and you alone, have the right to use this copy of the eBook.
You do have not the right to sell it to other people for example. Or use this eBook commercially in any way to make some profit.

That being said, there are digital items for sale by which you are allowed to resell, to earn an income yourself.
Those are usually sold with a Commercial Use License.


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