Some Digital Items You Might Like Selling

Some Digital Items You Might Like Selling

Some Digital Items You Might Like Selling

The marketplace has varied tremendously, and many ways have been made available for entrepreneurs to grasp. With the birth of the internet and social media networks, nobody expected the world has come into a significant shift.

In recent days, age has no longer become a factor, and time has no longer been bounded, significantly when digital products emerged – everybody can monetize almost everything! 

Digital Items You Can Sell In Your Spare Time

As popular as the idea is, numerous people still do not know much about digital products and how these items can help materialize dreams. For this reason, we will tackle those fantastic digital items you can sell right from your desk at any time of day.

Let us find out the best types of digital goods that you can monetize with a high success rate. 


1) Music
If there is anything that can last for generations and still end up on the trend, that would be music. Before, digital music was not easily available, and people would even think it was strange, but now it has become common.

The number of people who have fallen in love with this craft is tremendous, and people are becoming more competent in monetizing their passion. With the advent of social media, online streaming, and downloads, many indie musicians have been making a good livelihood by simply selling their compositions. 

Music lovers tend to purchase digital music more and more and enjoy it wherever they go. Now, this platform has been made available to everyone, including you. The market it reaches has been unstoppable, and so does the potential income. 

This means you can create your music and composition and put it online to sell it over and over again. 


2) E-books
When it comes to info products online, e-books do come to mind first. This is one of the best avenues to earn a few bucks because you have two choices: writing your own or reselling an existing one. 

The best gift you can ever give to your loved ones and yourself is when you have a concrete contribution to society for the next generations. This allows you to earn a little extra cash and share your life story or knowledge with a vast target market. Books have always been one of the significant sources of learning since civilization began, and it won’t hurt if you impart some of your own (even when the time comes that you are no longer in this lifetime). 

Aside from being a gem of knowledge, you no longer need to do much work after completing the product. It is a one-time hard work that pays off for months or years. A single PDF can already produce unlimited copies. Also, many online websites allow you to transform your text into an eBook with ease. 

A few of the best-selling e-books out there are children’s stories and cookbooks. These two have come a long way in making their marks in everyday living. Fortunately, there are several tutorials and training to help you jumpstart that writing career, and the best part is that you have control over your time. 


3) Videos (Vlogs, Tutorials, etc.)
Most people enjoy watching videos more than plain letters. This makes it one of the most profitable digital products online. Many people may not be familiar with monetizing their videos, but it is easier than cooking on your first date. Below are a few of the most common videos that can help you pay those recurring bills: 

  • Video Tutorials. Besides entertainment, there are tutorial videos. These videos are not freestyle videos that you can freely film with raw substance. This is more educational and procedural because you have a targeted audience who wants to know a specific topic. Also, tutorial videos are one of the easiest and quickest ways to learn new things. If you find yourself reliable on a particular skill, such as playing guitar, working with Excel, or doing proper makeup, this one is for you. This is quite promising for profit because your viewers are specific people who rely on you for the easiest and quickest way to solve their problems.  
  • Video Blog or most commonly known today as Vlog. People have come into vlogging because of their monetization in return for posting their videos on YouTube. But YouTube is already not the only platform anymore where people show, share, and sell their Vlogs.
  • Create your music (cover) videos. We are not talking here about original music like what you see from great artists such as Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift, but if you can do it with your own music, that would be great. To create your own music cover, film yourself and have your way of singing and making a cover video of that favorite song.
    The method of monetizing is merely the same as that of video blogs – YouTube Ads, affiliate marketing, and sponsorship (when you get numerous viewers and, in turn, several subscribers). One of the most successful music covers today is from Boyce Avenue and Pentatonix. 

  • Make your movies. Yes, you read it right. If you have a passion for conveying a story thru filming, then this one is for you. There are many online stores where you can sell your movies for a reasonable price for a steady number of viewers. It may take a bit more effort, but it should not be that difficult the next time you get the hang of it. 


4) Have your own Podcast 
Create a subscription-based podcast that can be both fun and profitable. A podcast is an audio recording that discusses topics concerning a particular audience group. Typically it functions more like a membership site, but the material is all audio.

This one is ideal for a subscription model where people regularly pay you to keep themselves updated on your latest discussion or story. You can also do well with a premium feature where people can listen to a few of your podcasts for free, but if they want to know more about them, they need to go for the premium feature. 


5) Build Software Programs
Software programs come on the list because of the many people they help, especially those in the corporate world. If you have the profession and skills to create your own software, this one is for you. Software, in general, has become an enormous success when it comes to educational and professional undertakings.

You know that your clients will pay because they need your program to get things done the right way. A few of the ideas which are currently in high demand these days are as follows:

  • Security software: a software program that protects devices from spam, viruses, and those computer-related concerns most people have.

  • File Conversion Software: Contracts, files, and other soft copies are in high demand. The demand for fast and safe PDF converters is skyrocketing (not to mention FLV and MP4 converters). People have their ideal file formats compatible with their devices, so it is not hard to explain why file conversion software programs are in demand.

  • Photo Editors: the demand for good pictures has scaled so high that all mobile devices include a photo editing program by default. If you can create a user-friendly program that allows an individual to make him look younger, you got the cue to start your own. 


6) Printables
Printables aims to help individuals organize their plans as they see fit. These are digital products that people can print and turn into physical items. These digital products can even turn into touching gifts with a personal touch. 

Such a digital product has been a global trend because most people want to hold and sniff what they see on screen. A few of the ideas where you can start creating your own are:

  • Planners
  • (Art) Posters
  • other Artworks 
  • Covers
  • Stickers
  • Trackers 
  • Color Sheets
  • Tattoo Designs
  • T-Shirt Designs
  • Notebooks and many more!

 Your imagination is the only limit that stops you from creating your own printable. The potential is unlimited. 

7) Create Your Own Applications
Mobile apps have become popular. This can be a bit tricky, but due to the increase in mobile phone usage, designing your own mobile apps or putting them on paid versions can be a great way to start cashing some funds. Let us share a few of those you can begin reconsidering. 

Reminders or Note-taking apps – these mobile applications help users remind themselves of the next to-do list on the plate. A well-designed note-taking app can bring you to greater heights, especially when it becomes a part of people’s everyday routines. 

Mobile Games – that great escape from stressful and hectic schedules. When one gets the time, he will find a place to sit down and play with his phone. Most people hooked on this are teens and young professionals. The market for mobile games is unlimited. If you think you have the resources and the idea to make the next Flappy Bird or Doodle Destroy, start creating your own game now. 

There are many mobile applications that you can start. For example, one way to start is a mobile app that can monitor your heart rate. The easiest way to get an idea is to look at your smartphone. You’ll see how many mobile apps you have to get through your everyday regimen. 


8) Digital Art
Art is both a gift and a passion. When you have an eye for appreciating art, the chances are that you are an artist yourself with an excellent grasp of graphic arts and creativity. This means that if you can create visuals, images, icons, and other graphic products, you are one step closer to creating another source of income.

Professional designers have come to make and sell their artwork online and paid handsomely. Some of them even create bundles. Do you have the hand of an artist? You might as well mix and match it with different visuals so companies out there can use it in exchange for handsome pay. 


Too Many to Mention.

Digital items vary in their function and usage. They come in many forms, but the aim is to provide a wonderful experience to customers, besides the extra income. They can take the forms of artwork, videos, digital downloads, and much more. Moreover, there are several different sales channels to choose from. So, selling them won’t be that much of a concern in the first place. 

However, just like any other venture, one needs to understand the product itself and how it can impact other people’s lives. The digital product idea is fantastic. That is true. But, you have to consider your audience and how your audience can get access to it.

This means that you have to think about quality and compatibility. It may sound unnecessary because we are not talking about physical products with quality control attached, but one must understand that the digital item must provide value to its customers. This means that you have to put some effort into brainstorming to see if the product you are offering will help a 60-year-old man get on top of his medication schedule, for example. 

Compatibility is also one thing you need to be careful about. Your product should be downloadable and convertible to the current operating systems your targeted audience is using; otherwise, it will be useless, and your product can be tagged as inappropriate. 


If you want to start selling all your digital items, you can register with us, Mamati Market, right here
Our Membership is 100% free, and so is opening your own shop on our platform.