Newsletter January 2023

Newsletter January 2023

Hey Mamateers! 

We know you were itching for the latest updates regarding Mamati Market and we brought it to you here in this edition of the Mamati Market Newsletter! From the newest additions to our catalogs to tips on selling on Mamati Market, we’ve got you covered! 

Did you know? 

According to the site Statista, there are more than 2 billion people around the globe who rely on digital commerce for ordering products online! If that isn’t simply amazing, we don’t know what is! The times are clearly moving in favor of digital purchases because of the easy process, zero waiting-in-line time, and the availability of reliable platforms such as our own.  

But here are some more interesting facts about online and digital shopping that will help you make up your mind about why you should be selling digitally as well and not just purchasing! 

  • 22% of the entire global retail sales are going to be digital in 2023: With Mamati Market, you have the perfect opportunity to take advantage of this huge rush of newer generation customers who prefer shopping online rather than in brick-and-mortar stores. If you have a digital product that you think people would want to buy, all you need to do is set yourself up on our platform, upload your product, and leave the rest to us! 
  • High shipping charges are the number 1 reason for cart abandonment: There’s nothing more disappointing than trying to purchase an item online only to find out on the final page of the order confirmation, that the shipping charges are overwhelmingly more than the price of the product itself – and we can understand how that can lead to cart abandonment amongst buyers. But for our vendors, that’s a problem they don’t need to worry about! Since our platform only sells digital goods online, our buyers are charged no shipping costs, which ensures a higher conversion rate for the sellers!  
  • 43% of shoppers around the world research product online through social media: With Mamati Market now spreading its influence all over social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and so on, we are aiming to give our sellers the best social media presence possible. We understand the value of social media promotion for digital goods and therefore, regularly promote products from our catalog for the world to see. If you’d like to follow us on these platforms, find the links at the end of the newsletter! 
  • PayPal is the most popular mode of online payment in the United States: And this is good news for all our Mamateers whose target demographic includes the United States. PayPal is understandably one of the most trusted and easiest-to-use online payment services and its dominance in its niche is undeniable. For our buyers and sellers who regularly use PayPal and its services to conduct business, Mamati Market has just what you need. Our secure payment system is integrated with support for PayPal along with other methods such as Visa, MasterCard, and American Express cards. 


Bla Bla Blog 

The Mamati Blog is on its mission again, trying to spread good information and bits of knowledge about our platform, and digital selling in general to our subscribers. While regular followers of the blog are already ahead of the line if you haven’t checked out the latest blog, here’s what you may have missed out on! 

In the latest post, “Why You Should Start Selling Digital Items Today”, we look at some of the best incentives to start selling digital goods in today’s world. With the world heavily relying on computers and the internet, digital selling and buying have become a norm of society in the last decade. But if you’re thinking about the hassles of starting a business, fret not! In the blog, we have also discussed how easy it is to start an online business, what you can do to get started, and what you’ll need to make your business successful in the digital world! 

Apart from that, we have also listed out the types of items that can be sold or bought on Mamati Market, and what you’ll need to set up your account on our website. To know all about these topics, head to the latest blog post here! 

In The Spotlight 

Here’s to hoping that our readers enjoyed the fabulous music by The Fabulous Fezheads. (Click here if you’ve missed out on the last newsletter!) This month, we bring to you another new artist addition to our music catalog. Within the underground afro-pop and hip-hop scenes, TIMTIM MUSIC KE is coming on as a promising new budding artist – and that’s why we’ve brought exclusive access to their music through our platform. 

If you’re into catchy hooks and lyrics, then definitely check out the latest singles by our highlight artist TIMTIM MUSIC KE. Singles such as “Cindy”, “This Feeling”, “Off the Edge”, “Nyama”, and “Only You” are now available in the music section of Mamati Market! Purchase a copy of their singles through Mamati Market today and delve into the world of underground hip-hop with us!  

Seller’s Tip 

If you have been following the Mamati updates, you might already be aware that Mamati Market has just gone 0% commission! This means that now there’s no membership fee, no subscription fee, and no commission fee on selling on Mamati Market – so, you keep absolutely 100% of your profits! But did you also know that apart from providing our sellers with the platform, we also regularly promote products from our catalog on our social media? 

You heard it right – Mamati Market is also the best way to promote your products and introduce them to a newer audience. While you are still free to promote your products on your social media, you still have the option of leaving that part to us now so that you can focus on what’s most important. This means that all you need to do now is to set your shop up, upload your digital products, and Mamati Market takes care of the rest! From promoting your products regularly on social media to ensuring a hassle-free and secure payment system for your buyers, Mamati has got you covered! 


Social Media 

It’s official – Mamati Market is now live on your favorite social media platforms!  

From Facebook to Twitter, from Instagram to Pinterest, you’ll find Mamati Market everywhere! Many of our users have already started following us since we made the announcement in our last newsletter, and we thank them for their interest in Mamati Market. If you haven’t already, you can find us on your favorite social media platform using the links below! 




