Sell on Mamati Market

Become A Seller!

Whether you have an excellent idea for a new digital product, a long-running established online business, or just have a thing for selling, here’s how you can take the next step with Mamati Market.

Welcome to Selling on Mamati Market

We want to be genuine and honest:
At Mamati Market, we are heavily into customers. Customers would like a trusted destination to purchase various digital goods at the tip of their fingertips, whenever and wherever they want. This goes to say that vendors (sellers) like yourselves are just as important and appreciated.

We value our customers in a way that we offer them a wide variety of affordable digital products. As a Mamati Market vendor, you do your part by adding your selection of these goods.

The Mamati Market Perks

Selling on Mamati Market means being a part of a digital goods platform that’s home to vendors of all kinds, from eBook Authors to art print vendors who offer various printables. They are here for a reason: to reach our unlimited number of customers who visit Mamati Market.

Aside from that, there are a few perks you might love.
There is:
- No Registration Fee
- No monthly or annual Subscription
- No Credit Card information is needed
- No Hidden Cost of any kind

And to be 100% clear, we do NOT take any commission after each sale!!
That means no investment is needed from your side, while you keep 100% of the profit!
And honestly, we think we are the only platform that is offering such a great deal to online vendors at the moment.

So, what do you need to get started?
Check our little list:
1) You are 18 years old and above
2) You have a verified PayPal account
3) You own or are authorized to sell, the digital products you put up for sale in your shop

We would LOVE you to register for free right here and join us when you meet these requirements.

"If you have the products, we have the platform"

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