Why You Should Start Selling Digital Items Today.

Why You Should Start Selling Digital Items Today.

How the world changed after the pandemic.

Throughout history, the world and our society have been through many critical situations.

Those who have lived for quite a while now may have seen more brutal and violent situations like wars and recessions, but for the young people of the world, the coronavirus pandemic has been nothing less than a disastrous disruption of lifestyle.

Many people died because of the pandemic, and most of those who survived only saw their situations getting worse with every passing day. Millions across the globe lost their jobs while the wealthy 1% used the situation only to get richer.

Even as the pandemic has been brought under control in many countries, many people are still facing the wrath it has brought with it. And whether we like it or not, the world is slowly changing in this post-pandemic era. Recent events such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the declaration of an incoming recession by the end of 2023 are only making matters much worse for people around the world.

There’s no doubt that the pandemic and the post-pandemic era has been an eye-opening experience for many. People have learned that their jobs and revenues were in the hands of the rich elites, for whom continuing to make money has been the only priority.

With that revelation, so many of us have already started establishing side businesses and selling online services to keep them afloat in case we are once again left to fend for ourselves by the very companies and businesses to that we dedicate so much of their time, effort, and thoughts to.

If you’re someone who has managed to keep their job during that time – well, good for you! It shows that you had a competitive edge and provided more value to your employers than your peers. But with the current state of the world economy and geopolitics in mind, I’m sure you have at least once had this thought cross your mind – “What if it’s my turn tomorrow?”

Even though the world has recovered from the pandemic a lot in terms of the number of cases worldwide, companies are still laying off employees left and right. And no one knows how long this is going to last. So, it’s conspicuously high time you started your own side gig so that you are not at the complete mercy of your employer to make ends meet.


Businesses are shifting to the online world – you should too.

With technology, and especially the internet, becoming so accessible and popular in the last few decades, the online world has turned from being a separate domain to an extension of our real world.

Nowadays, you can find everything you need on the internet. You can order food, goods from around the world, services, and almost everything in between just with a few clicks on the world wide web. All of your favorite businesses and brands are available online. And there’s a good reason for that.

Making your brand online allows you to find access to a global customer base in a way that was far from possible before the internet. For customers and clients, it is far easier and time-saving to just go on the internet and find what they need rather than wasting time browsing through a store and standing in lines.

In the online world, it’s quicker, easier, and cheaper. So, why shouldn’t you start building your own online business?

Even setting up an online business is easier and time-saving than an offline business. For an offline business, you’ll need the following:

  • A lot of capital to get things started
  • To fill up documents to register your company
  • To set up a brick-and-mortar store to sell your items
  • You have to recruit staff
  • To find customers through costly traditional advertisements methods such as newspapers and billboards

For setting up an online business, you’ll need to spend about an hour and a half on your laptop, and you’re essentially ready to go. But it’s not just the low initial investment of time and money that makes an online business so much more advantageous than a traditional one.

There are so many more benefits to count:

  • It’s cheaper to operate.
  • You can work from anywhere.
  • You can work on your own time.
  • It’s easier to advertise.
  • You can enable faster transactions.
  • You can provide better customer service.
  • There’s usually much more margin for profits.


Sell digital goods online.

As you’re aware by now, setting up an online business is not a difficult task. But that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t take any planning, strategy, or effort. If that were the case, everyone around you would be a successful businessman (or woman!) As we know, that’s far from being the case.

So, how do you set up a successful online business and use it to sell digital goods?

Hopefully, you’ll find the answers as you read on.


Step 1: Select a niche genre and come up with a good name for your business.

A niche business genre is easier to set up and allows you to focus on a specific demographic rather than blindly aiming your product at anyone who may or may not be interested in the product you’re selling.

When you’re starting out, try to limit your catalog and focus more on the planning and strategy phase. When the time comes, you can always add to your inventory if you feel the need to do so. But if you start with too many products or services in mind, you might get overwhelmed trying to manage everything, especially when you’re also trying to focus on the process of setting the business up.

Once you’ve selected a niche and decided on your product, it’s also important to come up with an attractive and descriptive name for your business. A brand rides on its name, and your business isn’t going to be any different. Choose a name that is easily memorable, has a unique sound, and reflects your brand and the product you’ll be selling.


Step 2: Research your market thoroughly.

Market research and assessment are an integral part of setting up any business, not just an online one. When you’re starting a business, there are risks involved with it, and in order to minimize those risks, you must be aware of your market.

What kind of products are your competitors selling?

What kind of products is your target demographic purchasing?

What’s a viable price for the product that you are going to sell?

What are the customers’ demands, and how can you meet them?

These are the types of questions that you’ll need to find answers to if you want your business to be successful. As a new business, your aim should be to provide value to customers. Understanding what these customers are getting from your current competitors and what they aren’t is going to become a key point in how you strategize your business.


Step 3: Develop a business plan and marketing strategy.

Once you’ve done sufficient market research and have a solid knowledge of what customers expect and need from your product, it’s time to start getting into the planning phase. A business is only as good as the planning it is based on, so be sure to take this seriously.

A good business plan tries to cover what a business is trying to achieve, how it can do that, and what to do in case things don’t go according to plan. The more inclusive and thorough plan you come up with, the easier it will be for you to manage your business in the future. If you’re planning on getting investors for your business, a good business plan is going to be essential to the process.  

Something else that you should keep in mind is what kind of structure you want to build your business upon. For a small and upcoming business, it doesn’t matter much, but you’d still want to think ahead about how you want the business to turn out to be in the future.

Most businesses follow one of four structures:

  • Sole proprietorship
  • Partnership
  • Limited liability company (LLC)
  • Corporation

These structures are based on who owns the company and how it is run, so be sure to read up on them if you’re not familiar. For what we’re trying to achieve here, however, you’d most likely be going with a sole proprietorship structure because of its simple and effective working system.


Step 4: Choose your platform.

Nowadays, there are many online platforms available that you can use to set your business up. Some people build their online businesses using social media platforms such as Facebook’s online store to promote, market, and sell their products. But as they soon find out, since these sites are made for the reason of connecting people rather than businesses, they may lack the adequate tools and services needed to run an online business effectively.

There’s also the option of setting up your own website for this purpose. It gives your business the independence of not having to rely on a third party, but it can also cost you a lot to set up and manage. Moreover, even if you do set up your own website, you may still have to rely on other platforms for the promotion of your products.

Our free-to-sell website, MamatiMarket.com, is specifically designed to host online stores!

Most of the websites that serve a similar purpose will either charge you a monthly subscription fee or a percentage of your sales profits (up to 40%!) for that. Some are even known to have hidden charges that deceive business owners by imposing fees later on. At Mamati Market, we believe that business owners should be able to set up their shop on the internet without having to pay a single dollar (hidden or otherwise)!

Apart from having a free-to-join membership policy, Mamati Market also provides a lot of other benefits to sellers who may be looking to build their catalog for their online business. Some advantages of selling on Mamati Market:

  • No charges for opening your own store on Mamati Market.
  • Secure payments through the Mamati Market site.
  • Ease of access to the not-so-tech-savvy.
  • Adding products is easy.
  • You can start making money on the side without having to give up your day job.
  • Mamati Market does not take any commission after each sale.


Setting your shop up on Mamati Market.

Starting an online business through Mamati Market is incredibly easy and quick. It already has most of the tools and resources that you’ll be needing to set your shop up and enable your customers to make purchases. In this section, we’ll be going through the whole process of setting yourself up to start selling on Mamati Market so that you can get right into it and get things done as soon as possible!


What can you sell on Mamati Market?

Mamati is Maori for digital, and as you can probably guess from that, it is a marketplace for anything and everything digital. Our website allows you to sell anything (well, almost anything!) that is digital in nature. This includes:

  • Websites
  • Digital arts
  • Apps
  • Ebooks
  • Music
  • Printables
  • And much more!


What do you need to get started?

Mamati Market is open to anyone who wants to sell digital goods online, but like any other website, we have a few requirements to get you started. Here are a few things that you’ll need to set your shop up at Mamati Market:

  • You’ll need to be at least 18 years of age.
  • You’ll need a bank account or a verified Paypal account to receive your payments in.
  • You must have all the rights to sell all the products you’re listing on the website.


How do I set up my business on Mamati Market?

Step 1: Go to the Mamati Market website
To register for a Mamati Market membership, visit the website at www.mamatimarket.com and click on the "Register” button. You can find it in the upper-left menu if you’re on your mobile or on the upper-right if you are on your desktop.

Step 2: Proceed to membership registration
Upon clicking the "Register” button, you will be redirected to the online membership registration form, which will ask you to fill out your username, email address, and password.

Once completed, tick the box of the Terms & Conditions. This will confirm that you have read the terms and conditions of your membership. And please do read them carefully to avoid problems later on. Then click "Register."

Step 3: Activate registration
When you complete the registration form, you will see a message (notification) at the top that says the account has been created successfully. An activation email will be sent to your registered email address.

Check your email and look for the activation email when you get this notification. You should see an email from Mamati Market with the subject line: Confirm Your Account.

Click on the "Confirm Your Account" button.

If your registration has been successful, you'll be redirected to the Successful Registration page that says, "Your email address has been successfully confirmed!"

See? It’s easy to get started on Mamati Market. So, build your store today to start making money on the side by selling digital products. But if you’re not sure about something yet, just read our explanation blog about it. Click here to learn more about how to build your store, set up your payment system, and get yourself started with selling!


So, what’s stopping you?

By now, you’ve surely realized how easy and trivial it is to start your online business on our website. We have everything you need to start earning some money on the side so that you can have a bit more financial freedom.

But it’s understandable if you’re still intimidated by the idea of becoming your own boss. Change, after all, can be difficult for all of us. But once you start getting familiar with the idea and start working towards it, it will surely become engaging and fun!

Managing someone else’s business or working for them, no doubt, comes with a lot of self-compromise. You adjust to their time schedule, and you adjust to their salary. But when you start building a business on your own, there’s a different feeling that comes with it – the feeling of achievement for your own sake! That is something that no 9-5 office job can ever give you.

These are tough and uncertain times. And surely, you’re already aware of that by now. Having a secondary income is a great way to keep yourself prepared for that. Moreover, it's not like you’ll have to leave your regular job to be able to open an online business – you can do that in your spare hours.

And this is where Mamati Market shines as we provide you with a comfortable experience to get things done fast and effectively!

So, what’s stopping you really from becoming a master earner? What’s stopping you from achieving something for yourself rather than for your bosses at work?

Hopefully, nothing!

So, let’s get down to business and get yourself registered to start selling now!