How a war situation affects (almost) everything.

How a war situation affects (almost) everything.

When the war between Russia and Ukraine broke out, global wheat, sunflower, and oil crude prices increased tremendously in a way that modern capitalists have never seen before. All within a few weeks.

The change in prices went to unprecedented levels and, therefore, the modern lifestyle. BUT, why has everything seemed to be affected by the commotion when only two countries are involved?

The answer is simple. Russia and Ukraine are considered the world’s breadbasket, and Russia alone is one of the major players in oil crude production next to the Arab countries.

The line of transportation, food, and even the textile market was significantly affected that prices went way too far from the usual. And also, the worldwide stock market went into a ruckus.

However, this one market arena has kept its silence and yet remained growing and helping numerous people. It has even helped those who had it all rough due to the countries in conflict – Digital Products.

Why Digital Products are safe.
The question for budding e-commerce entrepreneurs is this: Are digital products safe when there’s a worldwide conflict going on?

It is inaccurate to say YES plainly, but it is also incorrect to say NO. The answer to the ever-bugging question goes to its simplicity. All you have to do with digital products is click “send.”

As long as you have an internet connection and you can go over the World Wide Web to find that product that suits your needs, digital products will always find their way.

We already know that digital products are not, in any way, limited to artworks and print designs. Commerce is more on services, software, and AI in the digital world. Can those be affected by a few countries raging war with each other?

Surprisingly, digital products would surge whenever there is a conflict between countries or a flop in the worldwide market. Maybe this is because of the accessibility and the limitless opportunities. But, most importantly, it is the convenience that these digital goods offer to both buyers and sellers. In its entirety, as Jack Butcher would say, you can build once, sell twice!

What makes a digital product unique from the rest is its way of reaching out to its audience. The strategy used is often digital marketing, which comprises many techniques and campaigns but is altogether feasible just right under your desk at home. However, if things go online 99% of the time, will it be safe for me and for years to come?

Digital Products security in the coming years.
When talking about a venture’s security, there are two things to keep in mind: Control of data and freedom of access to that data.

In any line of business, security always becomes a concern. With the current trend and the direction digital goods are heading, security will become one of the most essential elements. With more and more areas of our everyday lives being moved online, the safety of apps, websites, and software will be vital in the users’ willingness to utilize them.

In fact, according to The World Economic Forum from their June 2020 post, “17 ways technology could change the world by 2025,” experts believe that data-centric security will become the new normal and will reach commodity status in the next five years. This means that the ability for consumers to have complete control of their sensitive data assets will be viewed as a strict protocol and mainstream rule rather than an extra awareness. This is crucial at a time of a growing need for access to a secure digital environment and the rampant dissemination of fake news.

Heading into a secure digital environment, it has slowly become prevalent that more and more companies in the digital arena will resign from the traditional passwords and use biometric authentication. As a matter of fact, it has become a trend worth implementing when it comes to digital goods and services.

Digital Goods with Human Touch.
On the one hand, we try to make everything automated when it comes to the many processes in digital products, and on the other hand, customers want to interact with the people behind these products. So, when designing a product available online, it is important to consider how this need can be met from the get-go.

Big companies like Apple and Microsoft understood that the digital experience is not the only thing that consumers want. There is great value in adding a personal approach, a real-world experience, a human touch.

The best way to add that human touch to your marketing is consistent communication and human response on your online media platforms. This means that whenever you get inquiries from customers via your social media or website, always try personally to reply to their questions, no matter how simple.

Make your time of operations transparent, and your automated responses should also detail when you are available for inquiries. You can always add an active phone-number where people can talk to a real person.

Build a consistent and reliable avenue of information: regular blog posts and social media posts. Yes, you got it right. You have to be consistent when you post a blog about your product and funny posts related to your product. This will significantly impact the human touch because you are relatable to the audience.

Everyone wants to work from home, especially when there is a conflict between countries!
The new normal, as everyone would say, is working from home. Yes, it seems that everyone understands that remote work will stay with us. This rapid change is strong evidence of a definite coming trend in the following years.

This, in turn, simply means that there is a whole host of changes to the needs of people working in this way. People would want to get fast and secure access to almost everything by simply clicking SEND. How the management team is structured and the team’s internal communication will head in the direction of a sophisticated technology that supports this development.

More money for digital development.
Obviously, the directions in which both technology and digital products are going will be numerous and diverse. However, with digital goods’ potential over the last few years, competition has also slowly become fierce.

This means that more spending will be anticipated in the coming years for digital business development. This means that it is worth the effort of rolling your sleeves and keeping your finger on the pulse.

So, how do I get ahead of the competition?
Take time to reassess and think of your competition. All your digital marketing strategies should consider all the possible competition out there.
This is because almost anything and everything end up being your competitor in the digital marketing arena.

The two types of competition.
We can try to break down the types of competition you might run across along the way. The first and most fierce competitors you will always have are those that we call Direct Competitors.

These are those who are of the same niche and market as yours. Should you be compared directly to them, provide that special and distinct qualities that everyone can clearly see and (possibly) experience.

Suppose you are selling an eBook about an oriental dish. In that case, you can check on your direct competitors’ tactics by going over to their Social media, websites, and campaigns – not to copy everything but get the idea of how they have driven such massive traffic towards their product.

Getting ahead of the competition does not mean that you steal their ideas nor imitate their tactics. One should just be aware and knowledgeable enough to respond to the competitor’s tactics. It all boils down to finding that reputable medium to create the right noise and publicity.

Indirect Competitors.
The other type of competitors that you should also be aware of are those we consider Indirect Competitors. Don’t be surprised if the digital marketing playing field is never isolated.

Suddenly, you will be surprised why it seems like you are competing for an online presence with other businesses across the country. The reach of online marketing is endless, so you will have infinite competition halfway around the world – a blessing not in disguise but is always accompanied by a challenge.

Failure to consider the bigger picture in the digital marketing arena poses a significant risk. Unfortunately, most businesses fail to recognize this from the get-go, which explains why most of them don’t last.

You are competing with every message and communication online. Unlike traditional and physical stores, you do not have to compete for billboard space or air-time on TV. You compete with page space on Google, Facebook, and other reputable websites.

Basically, you compete with the people’s attention in the online arena. Businesses always try to create good content and make it viral. Your digital marketing strategy needs to account for this.

Having an excellent digital product won’t be enough when it comes to competition. One needs to divulge the right way of digital marketing, creating a message that your target audience will relate to. It should be a “sound investment” on their part, so they will make a purchase and even provide an organic recommendation.

A few of your targeted markets will seek you out, but you will have to seek out most of them. The strategy will always involve being where they are and when they usually are. By doing so, you will be able to build an excellent impression of your brand and reach.

Let’s NOT get physical!
The reality that the modern-day world has shown us is that building a website is far cheaper than building a physical store. Running an online business provides you the convenience and the opportunity to reach a global audience while physical product stores have logistic concerns.

Sometimes, it is not even easy or possible to deliver the items to specific places from the store. In simple terms, physical stores have less access to a global market, and you can be limited by location.

The competition in the online world might be fierce, but the opportunities it presents are way higher than your physical inventory. One of the many reasons why the competition for digital products has become fierce is the truth about its appealing benefits, which are far greater than physical products.

The profit margin is high, yet the cost of building it is low compared to creating a physical packaging and shipping it off to the next town.

With digital products, you will be able to do less or do more digital and do it relatively better. The main focus (which can also become a challenge) is marketing and customer satisfaction.

This goes the same for digital goods. All digital products may be fairly compensated online or not. Regardless of what strategy you use or situations other countries have, everything is balanced once you get the right tools, timing and approach.

So, are you ready to get into the competition and gather the noise your digital product deserves? Find a great team that you help you lay out everything that is needed and create the collateral you will need to win over the hearts of your market.