Beautiful website for sale.

By Paddy
1 1245

Awesome website for sale:

This WordPress website, about High-End Promise Rings, is a beautifully designed affiliate website for
Targeting mainly the United States.

The website is COMPLETELY set up and done.
You can start immediately with your promotion and bring in all the visitors.

It is a great affiliate website for starters and people who like to earn an income online.

We show mainly expensive promise rings on the website. That means you get a much higher provision for each sale.
It’s nice to get a provision of a two-dollar item, but it gets REALLY interesting if you get your provision of an item worth thousands and thousands of dollars…       And that is for the sale of just one promise ring!?!

This WordPress website is built with the Avada theme. After the sale, you might like your own license key from Avada, for future updates and support.

It has plug-ins for better SEO, speed, anti-spam, sharing, and general performance, to name a few.
It also has a plug-in for auto-posting on social media.

We wanted to stand out from the rest with this website; therefore, we have chosen for a dark website. With each promise ring category its own color background.

Promise Ring For Her = pink background
Promise Ring For Him = blue background
Promise Ring For Couples = green background

And as you can see, it works very well with Google Search. Our rings are easily recognized in between all other promise ring images.

Also included are an Instagram account and a Facebook page.
Not with huge numbers, but it is a good start. You can easily take it from here.

Hosting is paid for, for the time being.

As you can see, the website is already 100% up and running.
But if you like to earn a nice income with this affiliate website, you really have to work for it.

Some ideas you can do:
- You might add more promise rings on the website.
- You can write long blogs, adding the right keywords, for a better score in Google Search.
- Facebook ads.
- Be on Social Media.
- Email marketing.
- Send out newsletters.
- Have contests.
- Giveaways are also a good way to create a buzz on the internet. 

What’s in the download:
- All available files we still had on file. (images. blogs, all promise rings, videos, etc.)

What’s included in the sale:
- The latest backup (All files and Database) 
- Post sale two weeks support by mail, so I can explain some items if needed.
- All the files I still have. Blogs, All content, and images of all rings.
- Quick transfer to your hosting provider.
- Instagram account.
- Facebook page.

I will send you the latest backup (All files and Database) with WeTransfer as it is too big to download it here.
And actually, you don't really need the database and files, as you will get exactly the same files with the transfer of the website.
But still, a backup is always nice to have, just in case.

You can simply contact me here, at Mamati Market, and give me your email address. Then we can make it all happen.

Do you know what the best part is?
If it is not working out for you, for whatever reason, you can always put it up for sale again, right here on Mamati Market.

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