Complete Affiliate Website For Sale.

By Paddy
0 847

Now for sale, the WordPress website

This is a 3 years old affiliate website for Aroma Rice Cookers, targeting mainly the United States.

The website is completely done and ready for all the visitors you will bring in.
It is a great affiliate website for starters and people who like to earn money online.

It scores #1 in Google Search with the term Flash Rice. This is a setting several Aroma rice cookers have.

It has good and long reviews of all rice cookers. It also has downloadable manuals for some rice cookers, some of which score high too in Google Search.

This WordPress website is built with the Avada theme. After the sale, you will get your license key for future updates and support.

It has plug-ins for better SEO, speed, anti-spam, sharing, and general performance to name a few.
It also has a plug-in for auto-posting on social media.

It has YouTube videos with great recipes you can make with a rice cooker.

You will get a Twitter account (@AromaRiceCooker) with 400+ followers.
Not impressive I know, but enough to start with. 

Hosting is paid for till February 2022.

As you can see the website is already 100% up and running. It even generates a little income already, but not much yet.

If you like to earn a serious income, then you have to work for it.
You might add more Aroma Rice Cookers on the website. As not all available rice cookers are already on it.

You can write long blogs, adding the right keywords, for an even better score in Google Search.
Also, promotion is important. Facebook ads, Social Media, email marketing, newsletters, etc are all great ways to get more visitors to your website.

Contests or giveaways are also a good way to create a buzz on the internet. 

What’s in the download:
- The latest backup (All files and Database) of May 26, 2021. Which you actually not really need, as you will get exactly the same files with the transfer of the website. But still, a backup is always nice to have. Just in case.
- Several free-to-use images. Some of them are used for the website.
- The favicon. (JPG and PSD)
- The background images for the sliders. (GIF)
- Folders with the images (GIF and JPG) and review of each rice cooker. And the manual (PDF) where available.

What’s included in the sale:
- Post sale 2 weeks support by mail, so I can explain some items if needed.
- All files.
- Quick transfer to your hosting provider.
- License Key for the used Avada theme.
- Twitter account.

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