Saas Website Taylor Office Tools for sale.

By Paddy
1 887
$395 $256.75

Taylor Office Tools is for sale!
This clean, solid, and well-built website can be yours today!

It is already online, 100% working, COMPLETELY set up and done, and ready to go.
The only thing left to do is some serious promotion.

Do you know what the good thing is?
You can start immediately with your promotion and bring in all the visitors.

Take a look here:

It is a great website for starters and people who like to earn an income online.

Taylor Office Tools consist of two separate PHP scripts.
The first is the 'front page' of the Taylor Office Tools website. The part you see first.
Here you see all the information about Taylor Office Tools.

The second script is the one with the actual Office Tools.
These are the tools where your customers pay for and work with.
You can take a look at the website to see the many possibilities the customers have  with the office tools.

They can choose their desired subscription and pay with PayPal or Credit Card.

After the sale, you will get the regular license keys of both scripts, for future updates.

Hosting is paid for till December 15, 2021.

As you can see, the website is already 100% up and running.
But if you like to earn a nice income with this SAAS website, you really have to work for it.

Some ideas you can do to increase your income:
- You can write long blogs, adding the right keywords, for a better score in Google Search.
- Facebook ads.
- Be on Social Media.
- Email marketing.
- Send out newsletters.
- Have contests.
- Giveaways are also a good way to create a buzz on the internet. 

What’s in the download:
- The latest backup of all files and Database. 

What’s included in the sale:
- The latest backup (All files and Database) 
- Post sale two weeks support by mail, so I can explain some items if needed.
- All the files I still have. Blogs, images, etc.
- Quick transfer to your hosting provider.
- License Keys for both scripts.

I will send you the latest backup (All files and Database) with WeTransfer if it is too big to download here.

Still, keep in mind you don't really need the database and files, as you will get exactly the same files with the transfer of the website.
But still, a backup is always nice to have, just in case.

If you have any questions you can simply contact me here, at Mamati Market, and I will try to answer them asap.

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