The Sin

By Safak
0 643

Hagop took Maria by the hands, lifted her and began to undress her softly. While the red flames filtering from the brass brazier burning in the middle of the room were forming on Maria's body, every time her husband's long, shapely fingers touched her skin, Maria's desire was growing, her wedding dress was slipping off her like her shyness. Maria, whose face was illuminated by the moonlight, was responding to these touches with lust, while discovering both her own body and the skin of the man she loved.

 That night, a pair of shadows, ignoring the barking of dogs and the sound of gunshots from far away, swayed in the same direction in the storm that lasted until morning, on the brass bed that had turned into a fire place, painted red by the generous flame of the oil lamps on the wall...


Hagop’s father, the old man took his head in his hands and started running around the room. In an unbelievably high-pitched voice that suddenly came out of his huge body:

- My God! Hagop!

Then he stood where he was and looked at Maria with eyes full of worry and torment:

- I'm going to find Hagop! You get ready quickly. Take all the gold and silver we have.” Escape with your mother through the back door and save your life. Come on, be quick!


Maria's hand was trembling with fear. All gold coins, earrings, bracelets, necklaces were sliding like water through her fingers. Her mother-in-law, Sirvart, was slumped in confusion and helplessness, struggling to breathe. Maria, running up to her and lifting the old woman with difficulty, said in a pleading voice:

- Come on, mom! Get up! Make an effort, please! We have to get out of here!

Maria and Sirvart glided out the back door, as the threatening shouts from outside and the sounds of kicking against the house doors were getting closer and closer. While Maria was dragging her mother-in-law behind her, she turned from time to time and looked behind her with frightened eyes.

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