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✔ Price: $4.99

Life begins when you put your fantasies to rest and make your dreams come true... but sometimes those dreams may not be something that most people would understand, let alone your loved ones. We don't want to hurt the people we love so much that we end up lying to them... hoping they will understand..

Ok, So I Lied! Takes you to a story where dreams do come true but family is what really matters at the end of the day.

Thu, 14 Sep 2023 01:33:27 +0200 Quippy Quill LLC
Christians Have Crisis?: Understanding Crisis And The Aftermath

✔ Price: $8.99

Although this book is geared toward Christian families and caregivers, it is directed as a teaching tool for those who are leaders and counselors in ministry.

I am a fact-finder! With each topic, I present researched facts. Some of these facts may come off as being liberal. For some, it will come off as too conservative. I share personal experience and understanding of the topics. I also present what the Bible says about each topic. Scripture is my rule of practice. This has been a long, hard study for me. I studied with great diligence to verify each and every scriptural verse and its placement. It is my intention to ensure it is written it the right context and to not mislead anyone.

It is my prayer that this book will spread throughout the country helping those who are experiencing the pain and uncertainty in life’s journey.

It is my prayer that this book will shed light on those who are in managerial, pastoral, or caregiver positions to gain understanding of what a person in a crisis may be experiencing. To open people’s minds and their hearts.
My ministry is to find answers and healing for those in crisis and to teach people compassion and understanding for those in need. What brought me to write this book?

The answer boils down to training and education, life experiences, compassion for the misunderstood, and the love and forgiveness of Christ.v

Thu, 14 Sep 2023 00:41:28 +0200 Quippy Quill LLC
The City Different: A Novel

✔ Price: $3.99

Although the focus is on the unsolved murders of a priest and female tourists, SANTA FE is a story about the good and the bad of its people, its cultural and social values, its politics, its beauty and its charm.

The city is left in a state of chaos after the brutal murder of a priest is followed by the deaths of female tourists. Are these thrill-kills or serial murders? Uncertainty puzzles state police officials, a female homicide detective, and a district attorney. Complexities set in when the detective and the district attorney become lovers. They increase when she comes to suspect him of being part of at least one of the crimes.

Meanwhile, a power-seeking separatist is vying for the mayor’s seat. A powerful state senator known to sanction illicit drug deals supports him, and the outcome of the mayoral race could affect the political and cultural make-up of the city. A middle-aged businessman and an elder represent the conscience of the city and a philosophy in general. One does it by his deeds and his opinions, and the other through his experience and by simple wisdom. Through the elder, a brief history of the area is given.

Thu, 14 Sep 2023 00:25:10 +0200 Quippy Quill LLC
Voices From The Ledge

✔ Price: $4.99

Have you ever felt so desperate or so depressed that you felt like giving up? Be honest, now, did you ever say to yourself, “I’m probably worth more dead than alive?” Julie suffered from Empty Nest Syndrome. She had been forced into early retirement while her husband had hit the pinnacle of his career. She was lost. What she didn’t know was that her depression was normal. But Julie had a plan.

She was going to end her misery, however, in the execution of it, a remarkable thing happened. She meets four women who were at the same hotel on a girl’s get-away weekend. They have a very strange impact on her. Find out what happens when you're about to give up on life, but that gets interrupted by strangers who really have lived life~!Have you ever felt so desperate or so depressed that you felt like giving up? Be honest, now, did you ever say to yourself, “I’m probably worth more dead than alive?” Julie suffered from Empty Nest Syndrome. She had been forced into early retirement while her husband had hit the pinnacle of his career. She was lost.

What she didn’t know was that her depression was normal. But Julie had a plan. She was going to end her misery, however, in the execution of it, a remarkable thing happened. She meets four women who were at the same hotel on a girl’s get-away weekend. They have a very strange impact on her. Find out what happens when you're about to give up on life, but that gets interrupted by strangers who really have lived life~!

Thu, 14 Sep 2023 00:11:18 +0200 Quippy Quill LLC
Agent 49

✔ Price: $4.99

Master thief is recruited by the government to spy on a plot to commit one of the greatest crimes in the 1940s. Billy Hathaway was just another thrill-seeking young man until he was involved in a drunken Saturday night brawl. After being thrown in jail, he is recruited by the government. His assignment is to keep an eye on a young scientist named Ted Hall who is working on the Manhattan Project.

Eventually, Billy becomes a reluctant witness to the passing of the atomic bomb blueprint to Russia. Master thief is recruited by the government to spy on a plot to commit one of the greatest crimes in the 1940s. Billy Hathaway was just another thrill-seeking young man until he was involved in a drunken Saturday night brawl. After being thrown in jail, he is recruited by the government. His assignment is to keep an eye on a young scientist named Ted Hall who is working on the Manhattan Project. Eventually, Billy becomes a reluctant witness to the passing of the atomic bomb blueprint to Russia.

Thu, 14 Sep 2023 00:04:21 +0200 Quippy Quill LLC
A Life, Well... Lived!

✔ Price: $4.99

Someone once said, “Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart,” but what if you had the chance to live your entire life with the wisdom of age? Dana Gordon, through a series of unforeseen events, is going to get just that opportunity. Her life will be changed forever before she even lives it. Available in hardback, softcover and digital. 

Wed, 13 Sep 2023 19:17:35 +0200 Quippy Quill LLC
The Most Beautiful City (la Bellisima Ciudad): The Passing of Our Beloved Ones

✔ Price: $4.99

During the (2015-2016) school year, Walter had the unique and fortunate opportunity to teach in a first grade, dual language program at Hunt Club Elementary School. After reading one of his first grade anchor-text entitled, Señorita Runfio from the new Ready-Gen series, he felt inspired to write his own children's book. Walter has always felt the passion to write whenever he is motivated and encouraged to tell a story in unusual and "extreme circumstances". During his entire teaching career, he has used the strategy of Daily Interactive Journal Writing as an effective learning tool to meet the social and emotional needs of all the learners that he has taught. In times of leisure and pleasure, he enjoys travelling with his wife, Marg on getaways, watching Chicago Cubs and Bears sport teams, conducting seminars, workshops, attending Church and Bible studies, and last but not least, sharing The Good News of the Gospel as an interactive minister of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World. He is a huge believer and doer of an old proverb that says," Good, better, best will never let you rest, until the good gets better and the better gets best. Practice makes us all better!"

Wed, 13 Sep 2023 18:40:44 +0200 Quippy Quill LLC
The Feng Shui Advantage: Get Your Space Working for YOU!

✔ Price: $7.99

Working at Home? Or, is it Living at Work?

The last few years have forced a massive social upheaval, as families strive to find a new work routine while juggling the chores and realities of the day. Reducing the focus on work can often cultivate more stress!

Many people had to step back from climbing the corporate ladder in order to look after others.

Learn to create a work-life-home-balance by applying the principles of Feng Shui! This book will show you how to find a supportive space for work, set boundaries and be more productive while cultivating a calm, stress-free, rewarding lifestyle.

You'll find Practical Advice in this book for...

·        Working at Home

·        Power Positions

·        Clutter Habit Cues

·        Setting up your Space

·        Zoom Etiquette

·        EMF's and You

Wed, 13 Sep 2023 18:29:41 +0200 Quippy Quill LLC
A Breed Apart

✔ Price: $7.99

Jason Brown, a bank robber and killer, was comfortable taking anything he wanted. When he made a proposition to Sarah Sanchez and was rebuffed, he kidnapped her and made his getaway to the Santa Ynez Mountains. Tommy Sanchez, the son of Sitting Bull, reverting to his days as an Indian Brave, went in search of his wife. He used all his skills he learned at the feet of his famous father, to track down the two. The reader will be mesmerized at the final confrontation between the two men.    

Wed, 13 Sep 2023 18:24:00 +0200 Quippy Quill LLC
A Man of Breeding

✔ Price: $6.99

This is a love story between two outcasts of society in the early west. Tommy Sanchez, the half-breed son of Sitting Bull and Sarah Hansen, who was captured by the Sioux and forced to marry Crazy Horse, the war chief of the Sioux. Sanchez was attempting to make his way in white society until one fateful day his world turned upside down and he was pursued from town to town by a vengeful sheriff. Upon the death of Crazy Horse, Sarah Hansen had to return to her white culture, to support her two children while handling the stigma of being a while squaw. Sarah and Tommy overcome many obstacles until they meet in the beautiful Santa Ynez Valley.

Wed, 13 Sep 2023 02:04:41 +0200 Quippy Quill LLC
The Wounded Breed

✔ Price: $6.99

In 1890, the massacre of Wounded Knee devastates the Sioux Nation. One of the survivors of the onslaught, a sixteen-year-old named White Bird, watches as his parents and his intended are shot dead in front of him, and he vows retribution against the four soldiers responsible for the execution. Ten years later, in the beautiful Santa Ynez Valley in California, the young man tracks the men down.

Wed, 13 Sep 2023 01:51:37 +0200 Quippy Quill LLC
The Downtrodden Breed

✔ Price: $5.40

Hiram Bookers became disenchanted with his life on the east coast and sold his merchant fleet involved in the Slave Trade and bought a large parcel south of Santa Barbara. After he built his home, he advertised for a mail order bride. While on a hunting trip, Hiram was shot and left for dead. He was found and taken to the hospital by Tommy Sanchez, the son of Sitting Bull and his wife Sarah who'd been married to Crazy Horse, the Indian hero of the Battle of the Little Big Horn. When Hiram recovered, he was suffering from amnesia. Tommy Sanchez and his wife took him in and employed him at their ranch. The county sheriff, seeking reelection sensed that Silas Smith, as Bookers was now called, may have been involved in a robbery of a special train, carrying thirty thousand in money for a new bank in Santa Barbara. The sheriff harassed Silas until he uncovered evidence pointing at him as one of the train bandits. It was Tommy Sanchez who found the clues pointing to someone else. He came up with a plan to free Smith, uncover his past and identify the actual train robber.

Tue, 12 Sep 2023 21:01:00 +0200 Quippy Quill LLC
The Warrior Angel

✔ Price: $4.99

Gracie and her eight-year-old son Lucas are out doing some last-minute Christmas shopping when a nasty car wreck interrupts their night. Lucas nearly dies when Gracie's mother, Teresa, arrives at the hospital with a too-good-to-be-true suggestion. Say this prayer, and I promise your son will live. Her mother has always been very religious and quite superstitious about things. Gracie says the blessing is mainly to get her mom to drop it and be there for her and her son. The prayer works. It's ten years later, and Gracie is haunted by something. She learns that the "prayer" she said wasn't one at all. She had unknowingly made a bargain with a demon. In return for saving her son, Gracie now owes him a soul. Either she offers one, or he will take Lucas. The closer the deal's anniversary, the scarier things get for Gracie and Lucas. Affiliations with this demon go back even further than she knew. Family secrets are coming out. She doesn't know if she wants to know. This demon will stop at nothing to get what he is owed. How far will a mother go to save her son?

Tue, 12 Sep 2023 20:51:38 +0200 Quippy Quill LLC
The Sin

✔ Price: $3

Hagop took Maria by the hands, lifted her and began to undress her softly. While the red flames filtering from the brass brazier burning in the middle of the room were forming on Maria's body, every time her husband's long, shapely fingers touched her skin, Maria's desire was growing, her wedding dress was slipping off her like her shyness. Maria, whose face was illuminated by the moonlight, was responding to these touches with lust, while discovering both her own body and the skin of the man she loved.

 That night, a pair of shadows, ignoring the barking of dogs and the sound of gunshots from far away, swayed in the same direction in the storm that lasted until morning, on the brass bed that had turned into a fire place, painted red by the generous flame of the oil lamps on the wall...


Hagop’s father, the old man took his head in his hands and started running around the room. In an unbelievably high-pitched voice that suddenly came out of his huge body:

- My God! Hagop!

Then he stood where he was and looked at Maria with eyes full of worry and torment:

- I'm going to find Hagop! You get ready quickly. Take all the gold and silver we have.” Escape with your mother through the back door and save your life. Come on, be quick!


Maria's hand was trembling with fear. All gold coins, earrings, bracelets, necklaces were sliding like water through her fingers. Her mother-in-law, Sirvart, was slumped in confusion and helplessness, struggling to breathe. Maria, running up to her and lifting the old woman with difficulty, said in a pleading voice:

- Come on, mom! Get up! Make an effort, please! We have to get out of here!

Maria and Sirvart glided out the back door, as the threatening shouts from outside and the sounds of kicking against the house doors were getting closer and closer. While Maria was dragging her mother-in-law behind her, she turned from time to time and looked behind her with frightened eyes.

Tue, 05 Apr 2022 09:03:42 +0200 Safak
Let's end racism

✔ Price: $3

What is racism? 
Racism is a  prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

Reasons to end racism
There is no place for peacefulness in a community where racists are present. Why would  you show hatred to a person just for the fact that you have different complexions or ethnic group? Racism is like a bridge or pathway to failure or underdevelopment in a society, when there's absence of cooperation in a society then definitely there is no way that society will develop, and cooperation occurs when we love each other, share common experiences and being generous to each other .So therefore, there will be no cooperation if there is racism.  in any place where there are different people you will observe that each person has a unique talent or skill in contrast to what another person has, when we mix different talents then we would be able to develop something reasonable and important, because one person can never be an encyclopedia, but when different ideas are gathered then something reasonable would be gotten. We can't achieve all these goals if racism lingers in a society, either because we have different complexions or ethnic groups. Being a racist is really weird,because when your racism is based on complexion, is like you think that the person you are showing racism painted himself dark paint or he made himself to be fair ,and if your racism is based on ethnic group then you think that person made himself to be in that ethnic group. It seems like racists forget that we have been created by one God, and that's how he wants it to be. In fact, God has the ability to change all things.

Benefits of ending racism
As i said before, when  there is racism there is no cooperation, these two words: "racism" and "cooperation" are against each other, they can never occur at the same time, when there's cooperation then definitely there's no racism and when there's racism then cooperation is no more. So therefore, the advantages of terminating racism are as follows:

-There will be decrease in the number of people who suffer from poverty.,this is because cooperation exists in the society. 

Sat, 18 Dec 2021 23:29:27 +0100 Muhammad

✔ Price: $3.99


You get

  • 24 digital stickers with fun Day of the Dead characters
  • includes Sugar Skulls, Black Cat, Mexican Flowers and Birds
  • Instant Download
  • Great for Day of the Dead Celebration
  • Suitable for Day of the Dead Fun
  • You get 4 Jpg pages each with 6 stickers per page and a PDF with all 4 pages
  • Great to add to presents or to add as a Trick or Treat gift!
Tue, 05 Oct 2021 02:00:32 +0200 Downham Printables
Alas the day

✔ Price: $1.99

Alas the day is my first poetry book.

Alas the day

Alas the day, 
alas the night,
when the voices cease,
and the words run from the page,
when men, women, boys and girls are deprived through repression,
racism and hate,
and ill education of an age.

Mon, 09 Aug 2021 10:50:21 +0200 writingandpoetry
Healthy Habits

✔ Price: $5.30

This is the ultimate guide for those who want to create a better lifestyle so that they can be healthier, wealthier, and happier.

Thu, 08 Jul 2021 12:47:07 +0200 Optimus
Be A Grillmaster

✔ Price: $13

If you had cook on either stove or with an oven, grilling is a mixture of both. This eBook will help you to become an expert griller in just a few steps. Learn the quickest method in becoming a grillmaster.

Wed, 07 Jul 2021 22:11:56 +0200 Optimus
So You Want To Write An eBook

✔ Price: $1.99

It's not true that everything that has been said has already been written. Since that unfortunate axiom came into use, the whole universe has changed.

Technology has changed, ideas have changed, and the mindsets of entire nations have changed. The fact is that this is the perfect time to write an 

The publishing industry needs people who can tap into the world as it is today –innovative thinkers who can make the leap into the new millennium and figure out how to solve old problems in a new way.

eBooks are a new and powerful tool for original thinkers with fresh ideas to disseminate information to the millions of people who are struggling to figure out how to do a plethora of different things.

Get this eBook to find out more.

Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:57:42 +0200 Paddy
Poems That Inspire.

✔ Price: $2.99

For anything excellent and great that you wish to accomplish in your life, there's one imperative requirement - inspiration.
A great inspiration brings with it a wave of power that by itself may propel you over the finish line.
Conversely, when we're empty of inspiration, everything may appear hard, boring, and dull, and we acquire no joy out of what we're doing.

Reading is a powerful source of inspiration, as it directly bears upon the mind. Reading inspirational poems can be powerful, as you are able to put yourself in the shoes of the writer and imagine yourself overcoming those same roadblocks.

"Poems That Inspire" is a great collection of motivational and inspirational poems, written by the great poets, artists, and teachers in the world.  
Use these poems to inspire yourself, as well your friends, motivate your family.

And share these poems with everybody who can use some universal insights. 

Fri, 21 May 2021 11:34:51 +0200 Paddy
Be A Grillmaster.

✔ Price: $3.99

Is grilling a mystery to you?
Do your steaks turn out either rare or burnt and tough as shoe leather?

Then you need to Be A Grillmaster!

If your idea of grilling is to light the coals (and hope they stay lit) and throw the food on (hoping it cooks), then you need this book.
Grilling is a learned art just like any cooking method and 'Be A Grillmaster' will teach you that art in a concise and easy-to-follow manner.
No time-wasting fluff, just straightforward information.

This is what you will find inside:

  • The Basics Of Grilling: Covers what you need to know before you can even hope to become a grillmaster.
  • Building The Fire: The first step in successful grilling is knowing how to build the fire. This chapter will teach you the different types of fires and how to build them.
  • Cooking The Food: Now that you know how to build the fire and how to tell what temperature your coals are at, you need to know how to cook the food. This chapter gives you the tips you need on proper cooking.
  • Beyond The Basics: Direct And Indirect Methods Of Grilling – In this chapter, you will learn how and when to use these two methods of grilling.
  • Searing - The Secret To The Perfect Steak: Learning the correct way to sear food on the grill will have everyone at your next gathering calling you the “grillmaster”.
  • Rubs-Enhancing The Flavor Of Your Meats: Teaches you the proper way to add flavor-enhancing rubs.
  • Appetizers On The Grill: Think grilling is a lonely and thankless job. Try making appetizers on the grill and you will have everyone gathering around and complimenting your expertise.

Learning the proper methods of grilling isn’t difficult when you have the proper information.
And that is EXACTLY what 'Be A Grillmaster' will give you.

Wed, 19 May 2021 17:40:23 +0200 Paddy
How to start your successful Dropshipping Business with AliExpress.

✔ Price: $1.99

"Dropshipping is a really profitable and quickly growing sector of online business. If you run a dropshipping business, it simply means that you sell products to customers that you don't own. The customers place their orders with you, and then your chosen suppliers ship the products directly to your customers."

Learn everything you need to know to start your own Dropshipping Business.
This complete guide explains all the in and outs of dropshipping.

Comes with a nice discount, if you like to start your own Dropshipping Store after finishing the guide.

Wed, 19 May 2021 15:27:42 +0200 Paddy